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Upcoming Events

Thu Sep 26

Rails Nap at Sensorio

Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 26th — Part­ner Pour: Show­cas­ing Rails Nap at Sensorio

Expe­ri­ence a night of inno­va­tion and ele­gance at Sensorio’s Part­ner Pour event, fea­tur­ing the remark­able Rails Nap wines. As you wan­der through our mes­mer­iz­ing light exhibits, treat your­self to a taste of Rails Nap’s finest selec­tions, known for their bold fla­vors and excep­tion­al qual­i­ty. Com­pli­men­ta­ry tast­ings offered onsite! Whether you’re a wine enthu­si­ast or look­ing for a spe­cial evening out, this event promis­es to be a delight­ful and mem­o­rable expe­ri­ence. Cheers to an evening of lights, fla­vors, and unfor­get­table moments!

Rails Nap Wine Tasting Bar
Rails Nap Vineyard

Tasting Room

Paso Robles' premier east side winery, Rails Nap is known for its high quality estate wines, its stunning hilltop winery and tasting room and for its unmatched hospitality.